H.O.P.E. Through Divine Intervention, Inc. (HTDI) is approved as a state and local Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO). A CHDO is a community-based organization whose primary purpose is to provide and develop affordable housing for the community it serves. Also, HTDI is a HUD Approved Housing Counseling Agency that provides Financial Budgeting/ Management, Rental Housing Counseling and Homeless Management Counseling Services and a HUD Discount Purchase Program that Purchases, Rehab and Resale to low-individuals and families in the Metro Atlanta Area.
HTDI has successfully managed a variety of housing programs, transitioning individuals and families, "from homelessness to homeownership." The agency is dedicated to addressing the needs of individuals and families with the greatest challenges to housing stability, including those who with special needs such as substance abuse, mental health, developmental, and HIV/AIDS related concerns.
Programs include housing options for single men, women and families. HTDI is committed to Helping Other People Excel with its supportive housing solutions that empower individuals to overcome life situations. The services provided are weekly case management, life skills and parenting trainings, job search and enrichment services, educational opportunities, housing counseling and mental health and substance abuse assessment services. HTDI housing programs are listed below:
Is a gradually shift of responsibility and self-management to clients. The program includes Housing Choice Voucher Program and Low Income Housing Tax Credit units. This allows consumers to pay only 30% of their gross annual income and reside in a mix use development for integrated living opportunities.
In addition to offering opportunities for individuals and families to own low cost housing, offering purchasing options as well as home buying training, we also assist clients with guidance through our housing counseling programs The HUD Program purchases and renovates and sale residential housing to qualified persons. Case manager assesses the needs of all participants to determine and ensure a fair and equitable outcome. Online services available in Spanish.
HUDs mission is to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all. HUD is working to strengthen the housing market to bolster the economy and protect consumers; meet the need for quality affordable rental homes; utilize housing as a platform for improving quality of life; build inclusive and sustainable communities free from discrimination, and transform the way HUD does business.