Guided by our vision that every individual and family be given the opportunity to have a quality, affordable, and safe place to live, H.O.P.E. Through Divine Intervention, Inc. (HTDI) is committed to “Helping Other People Excel,” by advancing solutions that empower quality housing and supportive services as platforms to eradicate homelessness.
Dedicated to improving the lives of the most vulnerable people, HTDI provides affordable housing programs, “from homelessness to homeownership,” case management, and other supportive services that empower chronically homeless, very low-to-moderate income individuals and families, including those who may be coping with special needs such as substance abuse, mental health, developmental, and HIV/AIDS related concerns.
Working together to build healthy communities and a continuum of care, HTDI establishes collaborative partnerships with other nonprofits, organizations, and agencies in an ongoing effort to support our mission to provide more opportunities of H.O.P.E., for individuals and families, to access the supports they need to live independently.
Striving to maximize our public and private resources, HTDI will continue “Helping Other People Excel,” by focusing our work in five key areas: (1) Housing; (2)Supportive Services & Training; (3) Non-Emergency Medical Transportation; (4) Payee Services; and (5) Community Outreach.